Saturday, February 22, 2014

Short Story - The War Lords! Epic!

Slardar  Long time ago, the gods and goddesses were doing their duty well. They gather for a celebration every month. Bathala is always the host for the celebration. They celebrate the party on the top of the highest mountain called Kaluwalhatian.
                But one day, Tala the goddesses of the stars didn’t come on the party due to the work she did. She arranges the starts briefly for the people to determine their constellations.
                Bathala was very angry because the party will not be complete without the falling stars presentation. He is angry on it, he throw a powerful lightning on the sky. Suddenly Amanikable stopped Bathala on his range and Apolake helped Amanikable to stop Bathala. They almost declared a war between gods. Mayari the most beautiful divinity in the court of Bathala told the hods to relax and enjoy the evening party and the three gods do it as Mayari tell them.
                In the other way Amanikable tell his affection on Tala to Apolake secretly.  That’s why Amanikable don’t want the other gods to be angry on Tala. Apolake shocked about what he heard.
                Morning, Hanan gives a good weather condition for the poeple. While Anitun-Tabu gives a good fresh air for the people. This two Goddesses always make unity for the good response of the people who believe to them. While Hanan and Anuitun-Tabu was talking about the misunderstanding of the gods last night and suddenly they saw a patrol slardar carrying a gift box for Tala. The two goddesses doubted about it. This is the 1st time they saw a patrol slardar go Tala’s place.
                On Tala’s place, “goddess of stars, I am the slardar of Amanikable and he commanded me to give you this gift.” The slardar said.
                “This gift is for what?” Tala said.
                “God Amanikable was concerned about what happen to you last night and he send you a medicine for you to be okay.” The slardar said.
                “I’m fine, I was just stressed last night but thanks to this, I’ll take care of myself just tell him.” Tala’s said to the slardar of Amanikable.
                After a short conversation of Amanikable’s slardar and Tala the slardar goes back to the place where Amanikable was.

                Apolake heard about the gift box of Amanikable to Tala and suddenly Apolake range his anger to Amanikable secretly. Apolake tell his warrior to kill Amanikable secretly and don’t make a mess so that the gods and goddesses won’t know who killed Amanikable.

                A slardar of Amanikable heard the conversation of Apolake and his warrior and the slardar tell Amanikable immediately. When Amanikable heard the news told him by his slardar he declared a war against Apolake.
                Amanikable prepared all the things for the war against Apolake and made the first step to kill Apolake. The Slardars, Naga Sirens, Tide Hunters, and Morphlings prepared their weapons and special skills to kill Apolake.
                In the other part, Apolake didn’t expect that Amanikable knows his plan against him. He immediately prepares his Sacred Warriors, Chaos Knight, Knight Davion, and Rogue Knight to prepare the war against Amanikable.
                The two gods meet on the top of the Mt. Jinjoo, it was the Mountain where the Great Alexander buried.
                “Amanikable! I admire Tala a long time and I won’t let someone will ruin my feelings for her!” Apolake said.
                “Oh! I didn’t expect that I have rival on Tala. I won’t let anyone ruin my love for her too.” Amanikable said.
                “Well let this war begins!” Apolake said.
                The war of the two gods begins!

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